- A.N.V.I.L.
- A.N.V.I.L. Doomsday Technology
- AI Supercomputer
- A Golden Beginning
- A Million Bees
- A Moment's Calm
- A Moment's Respite
- A Moment of Preparation
- A Place To Call Your Own
- A Poison Paradise
- Abduct Quantum Physicist
- Abduct Repairman
- Abduct Spindoctor
- Abomination Creation Station
- Abomination Pack
- Abominations
- Achievements (EG2)
- Acquire Peruvian Titanium Source
- Acquire some Doomsday Device Data
- Acts of Infamy
- Actual Cake
- Administer Steroids to Pamplona Bulls
- Agent Disguise Simulator
- Agent X
- Agents
- Agents (EG2)
- Alexis
- American Crime Lord
- And Another Ming
- Antarctica
- Antique Cannon
- Apocalypse Soonish
- Arabian Jars
- Arcade Cabinet
- Archive (EG2)
- Archives
- Armand Krishnan
- Armory
- Armoury (EG2)
- As Broken As My Heart
- Assassinate Mr. President
- Atomic Olga
- Attention
- Aurora Borealis
- Australasia
- Australium
- Auto-Chef
- Auto-Surgeon
- Auto Surgeon
- Automat
- Aztec Amulet
- Baccarat Table
- Bait and Watch
- Barely Living Proof
- Barracks
- Barracks (EG2)
- Base
- Base Entrance
- Basic Food Counter
- Beautiful Etruscan Vase
- Beehive
- Big Screen
- Bio-Tanks
- Biochemical Training Worktop
- Biochemist
- Blackmail a Seat on A.N.V.I.L. Council
- Blue Portal
- Blue Saint
- Bob 'Barking' Caine
- Body Bag
- Bookcases
- Brain Drain
- Brain Trust
- Brain Washer
- Brainframe
- Brainiac Machine
- Brainwasher (EG2)
- Braniac
- Bribe Mercenary Scientist
- Bribe a Place on the P.A.T.R.I.O.T. Council
- Briefcase Rack
- Broken Time Machine
- Buddha Buster
- Bunk Bed
- Burn National Park
- Bury the Hatchet
- Bush Tucker BBQ
- Buyout De Laagers Diamond Mining Inc
- Cabal Pack
- Caine Key
- Cameras
- Camoflaged Door
- Camouflaged Security Camera
- Campaigns EG2
- Capacitor
- Capture Diplomatic Envoy
- Capture Guard
- Capture Marksman Specialist
- Capture Martial Arts Master
- Capture Mercenary Soldier
- Capture Technician
- Carl Caffard
- Carrion Flower
- Casino
- Casino (EG2)
- Catwalk Console
- Cause National Power Cut
- Central Asia
- Central Russia
- Centrifuge
- Chairman Coup
- Chalkboard
- Character Stats
- Charge Cannon
- Cheats
- Chinese Whispers
- Clara Jones
- Class Act
- Cloning Chamber
- Codebreaker
- Codex of Knowledge
- Coerce Mercenary Scientist
- Cold War
- Collateral Damage
- Colombian Emerald
- Colonel Blackheart
- Combat Minion
- Coming in From The Cold
- Communications Array
- Companion Cube
- Conference Table
- Confusing Pop-Up
- Construction Worker
- Content and discontent
- Contradiction
- Control Console
- Control Desk
- Control Panel
- Control Room
- Control Room (EG2)
- Control Station
- Corridor
- Corridor (EG2)
- Counter
- Coup Heads Prevail
- Crash Test Dummy
- Crown Gold
- Crown Jewels
- Cry H.A.V.O.C.
- Cryo-Cubicle
- Cryogenic Chamber
- Cuba
- Cupid's Arrow
- Cursed Collection
- Damage Control
- Damned Damsel
- Databank
- Dear John
- Death Cubicle
- Declaration of Independence
- Deep Six
- Defeat Dirk Masters
- Defeat Jet Chan
- Defeat Katerina Frostonova
- Defeat Mariana Mamba
- Depot
- Destabilize Stock Market
- Destroy Diamond Mine
- Difficulty level (EG2)
- Dinner Bar
- Diplomat
- Diplomat Trainer
- Dirk Masters
- Disguised Holding Cell
- Disguised Power Generator
- Disguised Rifle Rack
- Disturbing the P.E.A.C.E.
- Do-Not-Press
- Do not adjust your sets (1 & 2)
- Dock
- Dodo Educator
- Dojo
- Doomhilda
- Doomsday
- Doomsday Device
- Doors
- Doors of Fort Knox
- Double, Double Oil and Trouble
- Dr. Jekyll's Potion
- Dr. Ming
- Dr. Neurocide
- Dreadmill
- Drinks Machine
- Ear Plug
- Earthquake Beam
- East Coast
- Easter Island Head
- Eastern Bloc
- Egg Chair
- Electron Microscope
- Elephant's Graveyard
- Eli Barracuda
- Eli Barracuda Jr.
- Elixir Studios
- Emma
- Employ Mercenary Scientist
- Endurance
- Enemy Minion
- Engine Construction
- Engineering
- Entice Mercenary Scientist
- Environment Chamber
- Equipment Storage Rack
- Espectro
- Espirit de Corpse
- Europe
- Evil Base Entrance
- Evil Bookcase
- Evil Genius
- Evil Genius (character)
- Evil Genius 2
- Evil Genius 2 DLCs
- Evil Genius Wiki
- Evil Genuis 2 Traps
- Evil Organization
- Explosive Palm Tree
- Eye Spy
- Fake Research Machine
- Faking It
- Felonious Fund-Raiser
- Field Barrier Door
- FireInTheDisco
- Fire Extinguisher
- Fishy Business
- Flame of Prometheus
- Flamethrower Rack
- Flying Pig
- Fool the Press
- Forces of Justice
- Forging Ahead
- Fountain of Youth
- Freak Production
- Freaks
- Freezer
- Freezer Rack
- Frikken Laser
- Fuel's Gold
- Fugu Furukawa
- Full Metal Jackie
- Furniture (EG2)
- Gambling Pay Off
- Gas Cage
- Gas cage Trap
- General Disarray
- Giant Egg
- Giant Magnet
- Glorious Reclamation
- Going for gold
- Gold
- Gold Enhancer
- Gold Fingers, And Toes, And... Well, Everything
- Golden Opportunity
- Grab Priceless Model
- Grab the Garibaldi Crown Jewels
- Grand Piano
- Gravity Disruptor
- Greenhouse
- Guard
- Guatemalan Gold Rush
- Gun Rack
- H.A.M.M.E.R.
- H.A.V.O.C
- Hack into Automated Defense Network
- Handgun Cabinet
- Hangar
- Health
- Heat
- Heavy Rifle Cabinet
- Heavy Rifle Shooting Range
- Heavy Security Door
- Heavy Shooting Range
- Helipad
- Henchmen (EG2)
- Henchmen (Evil Genius 1)
- High Density Capacitor
- Holding Cell
- Hostages
- Hostile Takeover
- Hotel
- Hotel Casino
- Hotel Double Door
- Hotel Lobby
- Hotel Lounge
- How to dig tunnel for midas on onther map than starting map
- Hubbard Slice
- ID Eliminator
- Icy Reception
- If You Build It, They Will Scream
- Impact Stress Analyzer
- Impressive Desk
- In-Genius Items Pack
- In-Genius Items Pack (DLC)
- In the Drink
- Incendio
- Incinerator
- Indian Crime Lord
- Induction Chair
- Infiltrate A.N.V.I.L.'s Top-secret Ore Mine
- Infiltrate Dirk Master's Gym
- Infiltrate and Coerce S.M.A.S.H.
- Infirmary
- Infirmary (EG2)
- Infirmary Chair
- Ingredients
- Inner Sanctum
- Inner Sanctum (EG2)
- Intel
- International Arms Crime Lord
- Interrogation
- Interrogation Chair
- Investigators and Agents
- Iris
- Island 1
- Island 2
- Island Incursion
- Islands
- It's All In the Execution
- Ivan's Eleven
- Ivan the terrible
- J.A.W.S.
- James hannigan
- Janet Bombe
- Jet Chan
- Jetpack
- John Steele
- John Steele's Defeat
- John Steeles (EG2)
- Jubei
- Jubei (EG2)
- Katerina Frostonova
- Kidnap Ancient Martial Artist
- Kidnap Diplomatic Envoy
- Kidnap Hotel Head Maid
- Kidnap Jet Chan's Mentor
- Kidnap Militia Leader