Minions are divided into three classes: Muscle, Deception and Science. Basic Worker Minions do not belong to any class. Minion capacity is affected by the placement of Lockers and the researching of Minion Capacity. There is a hard cap of 300 Minions in total.
Training of advanced minions is done via training equipment in the Training room. Though they can train without any help an advanced minion further up the tree may act as an instructor accelerating the training.
All values for salaries are given for Medium Difficulty, and before the Evil Genius Discount; Maximillian has a 10% discount on all minion salaries, Ivan, Emma and Zalika all get a 25% discount on salaries for their corresponding class of Minion (Muscle, Deception and Science respectively). The modifiers for difficulty and Evil Genius are applied separately and independently, rather than being added together before being applied.
Workers are the basic back bone of every Evil Geniuses lair. They're the only minion type which can dig new rooms and the only type besides Technicians that can place/move/sell items in the lair. When not actively constructing they will man various stations including Food counters, Radio Repeaters, Security desks and Computer consoles
Workers have no salary and 2 free workers will arrive at the island every minute, but if desired 5 extra workers can be hired on the spot for $5,000 in the Minion Menu. Alternatively there may be opportunities for hiring 10 workers on the world-stage in exchange for some Intel

Workers that spend a lot of time in the Control Room may earn a unique buff called "Control Room Specialist". Which grants a buff to morale degradation when they work in the control room (10 morale per 10 seconds instead of per 7). They also gain a vertical blue stripe on their helmet along with a bulky headset.
Workers that spend a lot time working in the Mess Hall may earn a unique buff called "Mess Hall Specialist". Which grants a buff to morale degradation when they work in the mess hall (10 morale per 10 seconds instead of per 7). They are distinguished by wearing a white toque (chef's hat) instead of a helmet.
Workers that spend a lot time working security desks may earn a unique buff called "Security Specialist". Which grants a buff to morale degradation when they work security desks (10 morale per 10 seconds instead of per 7). They are distinguished by wearing a orange and black baseball cap with a miniature camera on the left side instead of a helmet.
Workers that spend a lot time working in the Infirmary may earn a unique buff called "Infirmary Specialist". Which grants a buff to morale degradation when they work in the infirmary (10 morale per 10 seconds instead of per 7). They are distinguished by wearing a green medical cap with a white plus sign instead of a helmet.
Muscle Minions[]

Muscle Minion Progression
Muscle Minions take the role of being your combatants. Their biggest purpose is guarding the Lair by punching, shooting and hitting enemies - thereby either damaging vitality (characters tagged for killing) or damaging skills and vitality (characters tagged for capture). Besides that they're also able to man Security Desks to operate the Camera Network, and interrogate captured characters. Muscle Minions offer better Spotting Power than regular Workers when operating Security Stations.
- Guards are the basic Muscle Minions, they can use pistols and clubs. They are upgraded into Mercenaries. Salary: 500.
- Mercenaries can use any weapon type and are upgraded into Martial Artists or Hitmen. Salary: 1500.
- Martial Artists can use clubs and staves. Salary: 3500.
- Hitmen can use pistols and rifles. Salary: 3500.
Each rank of muscle minion adds +5 damage and reduces damage taken by 5 (to a minimum of 1).
Base damage Dealt | Damage reduction | |
Worker | 5 | 0 |
Guard | 10 | 5 |
Mercenary | 15 | 10 |
Martial-Artist/Hitman | 20 | 15 |
Other modifiers:
- Weapons: Unarmed (0) -> Pistol (5) -> Rifle (15) (stun and kill rifles deal same health damage)
- Damage Traits: Good Shot (+5), Violent (+5), Good Cross Punch (+5), Decent Uppercut (+5), Strong Left/Right Jab (+3), Strong Left/Right Hook (+3)
- Armour Traits: Thick Skin (-2), Good Reflexes (-2), Owns Armour (-2)
- Ivan: +5 damage to all muscle minions
- The Alien Raygun loot item does the same damage as the rifles (15) but can be wielded by guards.
- The Freeze Ray Rack from the Oceans Campaign Pack provides ranged weapons that can be used by Guards, Mercenaries, and Hitmen, and temporarily freeze enemies solid like the Freeze Ray trap.
Deception Minions[]

Deception Minion Progression
Deception minions are the minion type tasked with deceiving tourists and Agents (damaging their non-vitality Stats), which happens mostly in the Casino. Valets are the only minions that can man most of the equipment in the Casino. Because of their role, the Deception minions tend to hang around in the Casino actively engaging tagged agents and untagged tourists.
- Valets are basic Deception Minions. They man various equipment in Cover Operation, from gambling tables to the bar. They can be upgraded to Spin Doctors or Socialites. Salary: 500.
- Socialites spend time in Cover Operation distracting Tourists and Agents. Salary: 1500
- Spin Doctor can reduce Suspicion and Skill. Spin Doctors upgrade into Counter Agents Salary: 1500
- Counter Agents have high spotting capability. Can escort and interrogate prisoners. Salary: 3500
Emma's deception minions deal +5 skill and +5 resolve damage when talking with agents in the casino
The skill and resolve damage for social minions for all other Geniuses is as follows. Returns indicates the damage done when an agent is escorted from your lair. If any non-social minions escort agents out then they deal only 15 resolve damage and no skill damage.
Skill | Resolve | Return S/R | |
Valet | 5 | 10 | 5/20 |
Spin Doctor | 10 | 5 | 10/15 |
Counter Agent | 5 | 5 | 5/15 |
Socialite | 2 | 10 | 2/20 |
Science Minions[]

Progression of Science Minions.
The Science Minion Tree has two branches from the start. Worker can either train to Technicians or Scientists. Technicians have no further training available to them, while Scientists can be trained towards Biologists who in turn can train to become Quantum Chemist.
Technicians are the only minion type capable of repairing equipment (restoring their Durability) and will spend most of their time running from item to item. They can also still perform item placement tasks like the Workers, but cannot dig/build.
Scientists, Biologists and Quantum Chemists can either perform research in the laboratory, or gather Intel in the control room at the appropriate Intel generating equipment.
Technicians maintain the durability of equipment using their tech-tool and can buy, place and move items in the lair. The main role of Science Minions other than the Technician is Research, as well as gathering Intel. Different Control room items offer a specific Science minion mode in which they will only be operated by that specific tier of Science minions; producing intel faster than if workers were operating the same item, giving them a purpose even after all research is completed.
Engineers can also repair objects in the lair, but their main purpose is the engineering tab introduced in the Oceans Campaign Pack. This not only only allows access to new research options but also is required to get more submarines and turrets.
- Technicians maintain your equipment and restore durability, they can also build/destroy items like Workers, but don't dig or build room tiles. Salary: 450
- Scientists are the basic Science Minions. They perform Tier 1-2 research and can operate the Computer Console for Intel (1 Scientist per Console). They can be upgraded into Biologists. Salary: 500
- Biologists are advanced Science Minions. They perform Tier 3-4 research and can operate the Computer Array for Intel (3 biologists max per Array). They upgrade into Quantum Chemists Salary: 1500
- Quantum Chemist are the top-tier Science Minion. They perform tier 5 research and can operate the Holographic Globe for Intel (3 Quantum Chemists max per Globe. Salary 3500
DLC Minions[]
There are three types of minions from dlcs:
Mechanical Minions Pack[]
Two new minion types come with the Mechanical Minions Pack:
- Worker Robots (needs confirmation)
- Guard Robots (needs confirmation)
Abomination Pack[]
One new minion type comes with the Abomination Pack:
- Technicians when completely idle will hang around in the Laboratory. This can be used as an indicator that one has too many of them in service and may wish to lower the amount.
- Security desks and Control room computers are by default manned by regular workers and need to be toggled to be used by advanced minions.