Research in Evil genius 2 takes on the form of a tech-tree and is divided into 5 categories and 5 different Tiers. The Tiers mostly corresponding to what kind of Science minion is required and increasing the monetary costs exponentially.
- Scientists handle early-tier 1-2 research.
- Biologists handle mid-tier 3-4 research.
- Quantum Chemists handle end-tier 5 research.
Presently only 1 Research can be performed at a time and cancelling one in progress equals losing all progress. Any research relies on a single type of equipment and the more of said equipment and science minions are available the faster the research can go. However: researching rapidly drains the smarts of the minion and the durability of the equipment. The equipment items are:
- Whiteboard: Largely used in Tier 1-2 research.
- Databank: Used extensively in World Domination research and Intruder Protocol
- Impact-Analyzer: Used for researching weaponry and digging through harder materials
- Biological Samples: Used extensively in Tier 3 Research
- Centrifuge: Used extensively in Tier 4 research
- Super-computer: Used extensively in Tier 5 research. Can be used by 3 Quantum chemists at a time.
If no science minions are available or not enough technicians are present to keep the devices maintained: research will stall.
Global Operation[]

Global Operations holds all research related to World-Stage. Granting passive bonuses to Signal-strength and Heat-generation, unlocking advanced equipment and the higher-tier criminal networks.
Tier 1[]
- Computer Console - This Computer Console allows the generation of Intel while being worked on by minions. Intel is crucial for advanced World Domination!
- Unlocks: Computer Console
Tier 2[]
- Ham Radio - Equip your Criminal Network with ham radio sets, providing free Broadcast Strength.
- +2 Broadcast Strength
- Lookouts - Lookouts will warn your minions in the field of danger, increasing the amount of time it takes Heat to build.
- Heat at Criminal Networks builds more slowly
- Big Screens - Decreases the rate Heat builds at Criminal Networks by a small amount. Even gets the movie channel.
- Unlocks: Big Screen
- Upgrade Criminal Networks - Allows you to upgrade Criminal Networks to Level 2.
- Requires: Computer Console
- Unlock Level 2 Criminal Networks.
Tier 3[]
- Activate the Radio Dishes - Powers up the satellites around your Island, providing free Broadcast Strength.
- Requires: Ham Radio
- +2 Broadcast Strength
- Running Shoes - Allows your minions to put on a burst of speed whe nthe Forces of Justice arrive. Increases the time it takes Heat to build.
- Requires: Lookouts
- Heat at Criminal Networks builds more slowly
- Advanced Radio Repeater - This Radio Repeater provides even more Broadcast Strength. It can do this because it has a little screen that helps the minions aim the radio waves more effectively.
- Unlocks: Advanced Radio Repeater
- Upgrade Criminal Networks - Allows you to upgrade Criminal Networks to Level 3.
- Requires: Upgrade Criminal Network (Tier 2)
- Unlock Level 3 Criminal Networks
Tier 4[]
- Boost the Signal - Your Biologists can improve your Broadcast Strength by bouncing the Radio Signals off pigeons.
- Requires: Activate the Radio Dishes
- + 2 Broadcast Strength
- Clever Disguises - Provides your minions with all manner of false glasses, wigs, and forged documents to help them go to ground. Increases the time takes Heat to build.
- Requires: Running Shoes
- Heat at Criminal Networks build more slowly.
- Computer Array - A larger, more complex computer. Generates Intel that is used to run Schemes on the World Stage.
- Requires: Advanced Radio Repeater
- Unlocks: Computer Array
- Upgrade Criminal Networks - Allows you to upgrade Criminal Networks to Level 4.
- Requires: Upgrade Criminal Networks (Tier 3)
- Unlocks Level 4 Criminal Networks
Tier 5[]
- Dead Air - Disguise your Radio Broadcasts in the white noise between the channels for free Broadcast Strength.
- Requires: Boost the Signal
- + 2 Broadcast Strength
- Getaway Cars - Provides your minions with a fast getaway increasing the amount of time it takes Heat to build.
- Requires: Clever Disguises
- Heat at Criminal Networks build more slowly.
- Holographic Globe - Generates both Intel and Broadcast Strength. Also proves the earth is round.
- Requires: Big Screens
- Unlocks: Holographic Globe

Lair upgrades largely entails advanced equipment for the various rooms. Unlocking better generators, wealth-storage, security desks/tables, the ability to dig through harder materials and various stat-improving equipment that also raise the maximum stat caps for the type of minion in question.
Tier 1[]
- Reinforced Door - Finally, a door you can rely on. Stronger than a Muscle minion, but just as easily fooled. Effective against Saboteurs, but Rogues can bypass it with ease.
- Unlocks: Reinforced Door
- Laser Door - This door has lasers. What more could you want? Effective against Rogues, but Saboteurs can easily break it.
- Unlocks: Laser Door
- Capacitor - Provides emergency Power to the Lair if anything happens to your Generators.
- Unlocks: Capacitor
- Improved Mining Techniques - Leave no stone unturned in your quest for domination. Allows the Workers to dig through tough stone, opening up new areas.
- Unlocks: Soft Rock
Tier 2[]
- Basic Training, Evil 101 - Improves Worker Smarts above 50. Offers a range of courses, including, Backstabbing, Candy Stealing, and Jumpsuit Maintenance.
- Unlocks: Basic Training: Evil 101
- Increases all Worker minions' maximum Smarts by +50.
- Multi-Gym - Improves Science minion Vitality above 50. Science minions aren't known for pumping iron, but they'll work out like their lives depend on it... if their lives depend on it.
- Unlocks: Multi-Gym
- Increases all Science minions' maximum Vitality by +50
- Safe Rack - Stores a decent amount of Gold. Offers basic protection against Rogues.
- Unlocks: Safe Rack
- Advanced Guard Post - Muscle minions will station themselves here even outside of High Alert and react to Tagged Agents.
- Unlocks: Advanced Guard Post
- Nuclear Generator - Provides a medium amount of Power to the Lair. Also makes a wonderful nightlight if you leave the hatch open.
- Unlocks: Nuclear Generator
- Stair - Allows minions to move between floors.
- Requires: Improved Mining Techniques
- Unlocks: Stairs
Tier 3[]
- Multimedia Education - Improves Muscle minion Smarts above 50. A simple test to help Muscle minions work smarter then harder. Scientist s can monitor the test.
- Requires: Basic Training, Evil 101
- Unlocks: Multimedia Education
- Increase all Muscle minions' maximum Smarts by +50
- Video Games - Improve Science minion Morale with World Domination: The Video Game. They may learn a thing or two while they're at it.
- Unlocks: Video Games
- Increase all Science minions' maximum Morale by +50
- Super Serum Machine - Improves Muscle minion Vitality above 50. This is the protein shake to end all protein shakes. Probably has some sort of Whey in it.
- Requires: Multi-Gym
- Unlocks: Super Serum Machine
- Increase all Muscle minions' maximum Vitality by +50
- Advanced Guard Table - Stationed minions will respond to Tagged Agents spotted on Security Cameras. Softest seats for the hardest minions.
- Unlocks: Advanced Guard Table.
- Luxury Bed - Partially restores minion Morale and Vitality. These beds will guarantee a good night's sleep, cutting minion downtime considerably.
- Unlocks: Luxury Bed
- Advanced Mining Techniques - This upgrade lets your Workers carve their way through tougher stones, further expanding your Lair.
- Requires: Stairs
- Unlocks: Hard Rock
Tier 4[]
- Learning Lamp - Improves Deception minion Smarts above 50. A stylish way to enlighten one's brain.
- Requires: Multimedia Education
- Unlocks: Learning Lamp
- Increase all Deception minions' maximum Smarts by +50
- Life Drawing - Improve Deception minion Morale with a course in the arts. It's a shame their muse is so... Well, never mind. These workers do what they can.
- Requires: Video Games
- Unlocks: Life Drawing
- Increase all deception minions' maximum Morale by +50
- Omni-Check-Up - Improves Deception minion Vitality above 50. Perfect health is one thing your Deception minions won't have to life about.
- Requires: Super Serum Machine
- Unlocks: Super Serum Machine
- Increase all Muscle minions' maximum Vitality by +50
- Advance Security Station - Minions can use this to monitor Security Cameras and alert minions stationed at Guard Tables. More screens means more cameras.
- Requires: Advanced Guard Table
- Unlocks: Advanced Security Station
- Compact Lockers - Greatly increases your Lair's minion capacity. Your minions need a place to store their jumpsuits and autographed posters of you, after all.
- Requires: Luxury Bed
- Unlocks: Compact Lockers
- Fusion Generator - Provides a large amount of Power to the Lair. Comes with microchips.
- Requires: Nuclear Generator
- Unlocks: Fusion Generator
Tier 5[]
- Brainiac Machine - Improves Science minion Smarts above 50. To improve the brain, one must become a brain. Or at least assemble a hologram of one.
- Requires: Learning Lamp
- Unlocks: Brainiac Machine
- Increase all Science minions' maximum Smarts by +50
- Karaoke Machine - Improves Muscle minion Morale with this Karaoke machine. So good it's worth making a song and dance about.
- Requires: Life Drawing
- Unlocks: Karaoke Machine
- Increase all Muscle minions' maximum Morale by +50
- Cloning Machine - Improves Workers Vitality above 50. When it comes to Workers, it's easier to grow a more prestigious replacement than fix the original.
- Requires: Omni-Check-Up
- Unlocks: Cloning Machine
- Increase all Worker minions' maximum Vitality by +50
- Megasafe - Stores a large amount of Gold. Improved protection from Rogues.
- Unlocks: Megasafe
- Construction Depot - Fabricate Items for collection. No more running to the depot under the Helipad.
- Unlocks: Construction Depot
- Ultimate Mining Techniques - Conquer the Earth! Not literally, unfortunately. Allows Workers to dig through all but the toughest of rocks.
- Requires: Advanced Mining Technique
- Unlocks: Heavy Rock

The Minion Tab contains the research relevant to improving Minion Capacity, Improving the stats of the Genius and Henchman, Weaponry for Muscle, Intruder Protocols and the Brainwashing interrogation device
Tier 1[]
- Larger Storage Bays - Allows more minions to store their equipment in the Depot. Increasing base Minion Capacity.
- Lair minion cap: +10
- Genius Improvement Program: Stage 1 - True Evil never dies. Especially if it follows this four step self improvement program.
- Increases the Genius' Morale by +50
- Increases the Genius' Vitality by +50
- Increases the Genius' Smarts by +50
- Henchman Improvement Program: Stage 1 - Shower your most loyal. Henchmen with attention. They chose to serve you, after all.
- Increases all Henchmen's Morale by +50
- Increases the Henchmen's Vitality by +50
- Increases the Henchmen's Smarts by +50
- Stun Club Rack - Arms minions with portable, electrified batons. Ideal for capturing enemies up close.
- Unlocks: Stun Club Rack
- Club Rack - Arms minions with portable, studded batons. Ideal for eliminating enemies up close.
- Unlocks: Club Rack
Tier 2[]
- Improved Packing Crates - Minions will stack their possessions in orderly rows beneath the Helipad. Increasing Minion Capacity.
- Requires: Larger Storage Bays
- Lair minion cap: +15
- Genius Improvement Program: Stage 2 - The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. Or this Research Project.
- Requires: Genius Improvement Program: Stage 1
- Increases the Genius' Morale by +50
- Increases the Genius' Vitality by +50
- Increases the Genius' Smarts by +50
- Henchman Improvement Program: Stage 2 - Your Scientist have dreamed up some body armour that will improve your Henchmen's Vitality, Morale, and... Smarts? That can't be right...
- Requires: Henchman Improvement Program: Stage 1
- Increases all Henchmen's Morale by +50
- Increases the Henchmen's Vitality by +50
- Increases the Henchmen's Smarts by +50
- Brainwasher 2000 - Used to brainwash prisoners. Keep your friends close, and keep your enemies closer... after a deep, cleansing scrub of troublesome thoughts.
- Unlocks: Brainwasher 2000
- Stun Gun Rack - Arms minions with electrified handguns. Ideal for capturing enemies at range.
- Requires: Stun Club Rack
- Unlocks: Stun Gun Rack
- Intruder Protocol: Distract - Unlocks standing orders for minions to Distract any Agents they find in specific parts of the Lair.
- Intruder Protocol: Distract: +1
Tier 3[]
- Offshore Storage - Allows minions to store their equipment near the Lair, greatly increasing Minion Capacity.
- Requires: Improved Packing Crates
- Lair minion cap: +20
- Henchman Improvement Program: Stage 3 - The Biologists can develop a formula that will improve your Henchmen's Vitality, Smarts, and Morale. It's three parts protein powder, two parts ginkgo, and a biscuit.
- Increases all Henchmen's Morale by +50
- Increases all Henchmen's Vitality by +50
- Increases all Henchmen's Smarts by +50
- Stun Staff Rack - Arms minions with large, electrified staffs. Ideal for capturing stronger enemies up close.
- Requires: Stun Gun Rack
- Unlocks: Stun Staff Rack
- Heavy Staff Rack - Arms minions with large, studded staffs. Ideal for eliminating stronger enemies up close.
- Requires: Pistol Rack
- Unlocks: Heavy Staff Rack
- Intruder Protocol: Capture - Unlocks standing orders for minions to Capture any Agents they find in specific parts of the Lair.
- Requires: Intruder Protocol: Distract
- Intruder Protocol: Capture: +1
Tier 4[]
- Advanced Folding Techniques - Minions can now fold their uniforms more efficiently, allowing more to be stored in teh Depot and increasing Minion Capacity.
- Requires: Offshore Storage
- Lair minion cap: +25
- Genius Improvement Program: Stage 3 - Become the penultimate Evil. Very little will stand in your way now.
- Requires: Genius Improvement Program: Stage 2
- Increases the Genius' Morale by +50
- Increases the Genius' Vitality by +50
- Increases the Genius' Smarts by +50
- Stun Rifle Rack - Arms mininos with electrified rifles. Ideal for capturing stronger enemies at range.
- Requires: Stun Staff Rack
- Unlocks: Stun Rifle Rack
- Rifle Rack - Arms minions with sub machine guns. Ideal for eliminating stronger enemies at range.
- Requires: Heavy Staff Rack
- Unlocks: Rifle Rack
- Intruder Protocol: Kill - Unlock standing orders for minions to Kill any Agents they find in specific parts of the Lair.
- Requires: Intruder Protocol: Capture
- Unlocks: Intruder Protocol: Kill: +1
Tier 5[]
- Minimalism - Mastering the art of minimalism will convince your minions to travel light, decreasing the demand for lockers. Increases base Minion Capacity.
- Requires: Advanced Folding Techniques
- Lair minion cap: +30
- Genius Improvement Program: Stage 4 - Unveil your perfect self. Devious, charming, deadly.
- Requires: Genius Improvement Program: Stage 4
- Increases the Genius' Morale by +50
- Increases the Genius' Vitality by +50
- Increases the Genius' Smarts by +50
- Henchman Improvement Program: Stage 4 - By nudging the Waveform and realigning of Quantum Dimensions... The henchmen will get better.
- Requires: Henchmen Improvement Program: Stage 3
- Increases all Henchmen's Morale by +50
- Increases all Henchmen's Vitality by +50
- Increases all Henchmen's Smarts by +50

Holds all the trap items. For more information on the individual Traps themselves please refer to the Traps (EG2) page
Tier 1[]
- Giant Fan - This trap will truly blow your enemies away.
- Unlocks: Giant Fan
- Freeze Ray - The coolest approach to Lair security, this will chill your enemies to the bone.
- Unlocks: Freeze Ray
- Poison Darts - Stylish, and deadly, this array of hidden darts will leave your enemies reeling. Be careful, though, because there is no antidote.
- Pinball Bumper - Knocks your enemies about with your choice of cheery little note. Must be used in combination with other traps.
- Unlocks: Pinball Bumper.
Tier 2[]
- Giant Magnet - Magnets: How do they work? The truth is nobody knows, but this one works on people.
- Unlocks: Giant Magnet
- Laser Wall - Have you ever wanted to defend your Lair with a grid of searingly powerful lasers? Anyway, here's Laser Wall.
- Unlocks: Laser Wall
- Bubble Wall - Trap your enemies within a prison of soap and water. Science will cause them to float, helping other traps move your now weightless victim.
- Unlocks: Bubble Cannon
- Slippery Floor - Your workers got the idea for this one from a cartoon they saw on early morning EG-TV.
- Unlocks: Slippery Floor
Tier 3[]
- Flamethrower - When it comes to defending yoru Lair, this set of wall-mounted flamethrowers are the hottest thing.
- Unlocks: Flamethrower
- Shark Tank - You don't mess with the classics, for feat that the classics might mess with you.
- Unlocks: Shark Tank
- Killer Bees - They're too busy attacking your enemies to make honey.
- Unlocks: Killer Bees
- Knockout Gas - This trap is a real gas. Unlike previous models, which had to dangle from the ceiling, this one uses a lighter-than-air compound.
- Unlocks: Knockout Gas
Tier 4[]
- Fake Safe - No Rogue can resist a challenge, so keep them occupied and vulnerable to discovery. Nothing safe about it.
- Unlocks: Fake Safe
- Paywall - The most devious invention of modern times. Stops progress dead until your victim reaches into their wallet. Truly, truly evil.
- Requires: Flamethrower
- Unlocks: Paywall
- Laser Disco - The coolest casts won't be able to resist the mind bending beat s or captivating rhythms. The lasers will do the rest.
- Requires: Laser Wall
- Unlocks: Laser Disco
Tier 5[]
- Puppy of Death - IT IS SO CUTE.
- Unlocks: Puppy of Death
- Venus Spy Trap - You catch more spies with honey than vinegar. You catch even more with a giant mutant plant.
- Unlocks: Venus Spy Trap
World Domination[]
World Domination is where any Research for a particular campaign objective and side-story becomes available. These are unique per Side-story and main campaign, Though side-stories often involve the use of
- Once drained of smarts Science minions will often beeline towards the nearest Mess hall to replenish. Keeping amenities such as the Sushi Bar near the lab can help keep downtime to a minimum
- Some traps may prove instrumental in dealing with super-agents. so don't neglect them.
- As the Databank is used a LOT in side-stories it is advised to have a good amount of them to speed up mission progress.
- Zalika's Abilities can greatly improve scientific progress being able to cause research to improve smarts rather than drain and repairing all items.