Evil Genius Wiki

Rooms are the different areas of your base that are built to serve various functions on your island.


A solid mountain doesn't make much of an evil lair, so you'll have to build rooms and corridors to give you places to bring your megalomaniac schemes to fruition.

When constructing your base, the entire base will be made out of different types of rooms. Having different rooms allows you to organize your base neatly, as well as help in navigation (based on the fact that all rooms have different floor tiles, and therefore can be distinguished).

All rooms have specific purposes. The most basic are the Corridors, linking all of the rooms together, which can be armed with Traps and Doors to help keep agents at bay. Other rooms function to help recruit more minions, coordinate your acts of villainy, train your minions to give them more specialized skills, store your wealth accumulated from your evil campaigns, hold weapons and prison cells for captured hostages to be interrogated, let minions unwind and build their stats, provide power to help run your base, hide the bodies of people that your forces have killed.

List of Rooms in Evil Genius[]

Build tip: If any room is inaccessible, either by build or furniture, this will cause agents to "tunnel" into random parts of your evil lair. This means they can get past all your traps and guards and go straight to causing you headaches!

Base Rooms[]

Hotel Rooms[]


List of Rooms in Evil Genius 2[]

  • Archive: A room designed for Smarts recovery.
  • Armoury: Allows a waiting table for Muscle minions, screens for Lair observation and weapon Racks for arming minions.
  • Barracks: Contains Beds for minion rest and Lockers for higher minion capacity.
  • Casino: Distract Tourists and Agents with this luxury Casino.
  • Control Room: Provides Broadcast Strength and Intel.
  • Corridor: The only room which allows Cameras and Traps.
  • Infirmary: A room designed for Vitality recovery.
  • Inner Sanctum: Impressive Desk and Conference Table can be placed here.
  • Laboratory: Science minions perform Research here.
  • Mess Hall: Allows for Food Counters to be built, where minions can eat.
  • Power Station: Generates Power and houses Incinerators for body disposal.
  • Prison: Allows to hold, interrogate and brainwash various characters.
  • Staff Room: A room designated for Morale recovery.
  • Training Room: Allows training of higher tier minions.
  • Vault: Stores Gold.