Stats are attributes that every character in the game possesses, Minions, Agents, Henchmen, and the Evil Genius. Stats are divided into two categories, Agent stats and Minion stats.
The stats represent their health, loyalty, smarts, attention and endurance. High stats mean they will operate well and optimally where low stats could mean they are in danger of under-performing, abandoning their post or even death. Each of these stats can be reduced by certain activities and traps but there are several ways of replenishing each of them as well.
Agent Stats[]
Every agent has three statistics displayed for their current state, some agents like the investigator has a fourth stat, suspicion. The higher the overall stats the more operational an enemy agent is.
- Vitality: Determines the characters ability to survive physical damage. If it drops to zero, they will die.
- Resolve: Represents their commitment to work. Agents reduced to zero resolve will forget about work and leave the island. Additionally, if an agent's resolve is reduced to zero, their suspicion is reset back to zero as well. The lower an agent's resolve, the more likely an interrogation on them will succeed.
- Skill: Determines cleverness. People with low smarts are more likely to get caught by Traps. If they are drained to zero, they will become unable to deactivate traps, and will perform worse in combat.
- Suspicion: This is a measure of how suspicious the Forces of Justice are of you.
Minion Stats[]
Every minion has three statistics displayed for their current state. The higher the overall stats are the more effective the minion is at working in your base. Minions that have easy access to ways of replenishing stats spend more time working and therefore are more productive.
- Vitality: Determines the characters ability to survive physical damage. If it drops to zero, they will die. This is identical to Agent vitality
- Smarts: Determines a minions ability to work certain tasks that require it
- Morale: Morale is a combination of Loyalty and Endurance. If this drops to zero, the minion will desert your organization. This does not apply to henchmen or Geniuses as they will never desert.